By Virgilio Marin
Even short periods of being sedentary is bad for your heart, caution researchers
Researchers from the University of Liverpool in the U.K. found that short periods of being sedentary can worsen cardiometabolic health. In a study published in the journal Diabetologia, the researchers revealed that reducing physical activity for at least two weeks can lead to a rise in blood sugar levels, disrupt cholesterol levels and impair cardiorespiratory fitness. Increased sedentary behavior worsens cardiometabolic […]
By Zoey Sky
No more excuses: Even short bursts of exercise offer many health benefits, researchers advise
Not everyone likes to exercise, but studies have proven time and again that regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining your overall health. If you hate going to the gym but want to keep fit, you may finally have a reason to rejoice. According to updated federal physical activity guidelines, short bursts of exercise can also offer […]
By Zoey Sky
Don’t put the blame on “fat genes:” Jogging and other forms of exercise can keep obesity at bay
Staying healthy requires discipline. You need to follow a balanced diet, quit bad habits like smoking and drinking and exercise regularly. But for those who don’t like going to the gym, there are plenty of excuses to choose from, from being too busy with work to having genes that naturally make them fat. But according to a […]
By Zoey Sky
Get up and MOVE: Sitting too long is linked to a higher risk of premature death, warn researchers
People know how having a sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect their overall well-being, but not everyone is trying to be more active to boost their physical fitness. But it’s time to start working out more. According to a 2017 study, sitting for more than one hour without moving can also increase your risk for premature death. Thankfully, there […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Your physical fitness is just as crucial as your preps when SHTF: Stay healthy by walking regularly and following a balanced diet
Many preppers spend a lot of their time preparing for the worst. They’d stockpile supplies and emergency kits for maximum survival. But one thing that a lot of people, not just preppers, neglect is physical preparation. Health and fitness are often overlooked because people take for granted how easy they have it in the modern […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Offset the health risks of your desk job by exercising whenever you can
Most jobs nowadays involve an excessive amount of sitting down (and staring into a screen). This type of sedentary lifestyle – a lifestyle with little to no physical activity – has been linked to a number of health concerns like obesity. So how do you resolve this issue? Get moving. In a study published in the Journal of […]
By Tracey Watson
It’s not really that hard: Research shows self-tracking is easy, and it’s the most effective way to lose weight
We all know the risks associated with being overweight. Being obese dramatically increases the chances that we will develop type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or cancer. Nonetheless, federal statistics indicate that obesity in the United States increased from 34 percent in 2007-08, to 40 percent in 2015-16. Does this mean that Americans […]
By Melissa Smith
Is faster better? How short, intense workouts can help you lose weight quickly
Do you feel like your exercise routine isn’t helping you lose weight? Try high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval training. These two short, intense exercises can help you lose weight faster than continuous moderate exercises, according to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. For the study, researchers from the Federal […]
By Cassie B.
An unhealthy weight can affect your body’s ability to use vitamin D
People who are overweight have a lot to worry about, from the way their clothes fit to their higher risk of health problems. Now researchers have added yet another motivation to shed some pounds as they’ve discovered that the effects of obesity on the liver can hurt overweight people’s ability to use vitamin D. Research […]
By Michelle Simmons
Short duration, high-intensity resistance exercise training programs can dramatically improve insulin sensitivity in overweight men: Study
People who are overweight are often advised to exercise to lose weight. Now, a study finds that this not only aids in weight loss but also in improving insulin sensitivity. The paper, published in the journal Experimental Physiology, suggests a six-week short duration, high-intensity exercise training program to significantly improve insulin sensitivity, as well as muscle size and strength […]
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