News & Articles By usafeaturesmedia
By usafeaturesmedia
How to Figure Out Which Diet is Right for You
( Trying to get fit in today’s world can be a bit overwhelming. There are countless trendy workouts to try, juices to drink, supplements to take — gone are the days of healthy diet + exercise = simple and guaranteed success. On that note, it could be argued that the most overwhelming part of adopting a healthy […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Chest blaster workout will give you serious challenges – and serious gains
( Building a bigger chest is a priority for us, isn’t it guys? And not just because a bigger, badder chest is a huge chick magnet. While that certainly doesn’t hurt, we also know that a bigger, more powerful chest serves as a platform for building muscle and power elsewhere. There are many ways to approach […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Burn out those bi’s and tri’s with this extreme fitness workout
( Nothing looks better in summer than “sun’s out, guns out!” Blasting those arms is not only satisfying to the soul, but massive arms give us the strength to do so many other exercises using a lot more weight. Some trainers will tell you to work your bi’s and tri’s separately. Others recommend working back […]
By usafeaturesmedia
This back-blasting extreme workout will build muscle AND endurance
( The back is one of the harder areas for many guys to train, but if done right – and if you dedicate the time it will take to transform your physique and fitness level – you’ll be astounded by the results. A good back-blasting workout should consist of a variety of movements, and it […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Get ‘roped’ into doing THIS extreme fitness workout
( One of the most amazing strength and endurance exercises going today is the combat rope – or battle rope, if you prefer. This one exercise is capable of building muscle and leaving you completely gassed when you’re finished. You may not have realized it, but ropes have been keeping humans fit for thousands of […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Throwing some weight around
( There are many exercises for strength and endurance involving a very simple invention developed in the last century – the tire. The bigger the tire, the heavier the tire and the more strength and endurance it takes to move one around. Tire-flipping, made popular with cross-fitters, is one workout that is spreading among guys who just […]
By usafeaturesmedia
This extreme workout is extremely ‘pressing’
( As guys, we can all appreciate the look and feel of a swole chest. We know the ladies like to look at – and touch – a guy’s well-defined chest, also. So naturally, every extreme fitness program should include some chest work. In fact, many of the extreme workouts posted here contain elements of chest, […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Calorie-burning, fast-paced, high intensity: The workout that keeps on giving
( There are “workouts” and then there are workouts. Not all are created equal and by all means, not everyone is capable of doing the same things as others. But if you’re trying to tank that beer gut, deep-six the cellulite and feel alive after your workout, then it’s high-intensity or its nothing. A word about just […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Got lats? Here’s an extreme fitness workout for your ‘wings’
( The latissimus dorsi muscle is often one of the least-trained, if for no other reason that because a lot of guys just don’t think about it. However, training it is important not only for your physique but also as a core element of strength. While not a glamorous exercise, lat pulldowns benefit your training program in many ways. […]
By usafeaturesmedia
Your extreme fitness workout should include this ‘flipping’ exercise
( Extreme fitness combines strength training and aerobic workouts in a high-intensity, quick-paced environment, and one of the best exercises for that is flipping tires. In fact, fitness experts say it is one of the best exercises for improving your overall strength and aerobic fitness. “Tire training is one of the best total body strength and conditioning […]
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